
Monday, November 30, 2009

The Only Thing We Have to Fear...

This quarter has brought with it two new experiences into my life... ones that I could've done without, but that have changed me and opened my eyes all the same. Earlier this quarter, someone broke into my house in Clifton. This past weekend, I got mugged at gunpoint.

The bad news is that the people who did these things made off with some personal items, and damaged our house. The good news is that physical objects can and are being replaced. It's a hassle, but it has renewed my sense of awe and gratitude for the things I can't replace - namely, being alive and well.

I am the type of person who looks first for the good in people, and I can't help but do that even in situations like these. The incidents have made me more aware of my surroundings (and have me investing in pepper spray) but I absolutely refuse to let these things stop me from embracing Cincinnati's center city.

I will NOT allow a spirit of intimidation or fear dictate where I go or what I do. For too many years there has been a wall of bogeymen - be they real or fake, racially or class status divided - built up around the Cincinnati metro. Every negative news story, stereotype and police report help to reinforce the wall. On the flip side, every person who chooses to inhabit spaces, innovate, preserve, and renew the people, buildings and business in Cincinnati tears down the wall, one ghostly brick at a time.

What happened to me sucked, but the real tragedy would be allowing my past to dictate what I do in the future. Keep your eyes open, but also take care not to close up your mind and heart.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Diary of a DAAP Kid: Work! PAID work!

Despite this quarter's best efforts, I have managed to procure a random assortment of paid employment experiences, which definitely have affected my education in a positive way. Right now I am currently working with a local construction/development company on their impending office remodel, as well as project managing for a condo development. It's a completely differenet experience from any that I've had, and I think I'm definitely all the better for it.

There have been times this quarter when I have longed for a "typical" co-op experience, complete with redlines and lunch and learns. However, I've had to be resourceful and take a lot of initiative to make this quarter worth my while, and I am proud to say I have done just that.

So, without further ado, I present to you some things I have been working on this quarter. And have been paid in cold. hard. cash. Kachow!

Taste of Belgium

The most amazing Jean-Francois Fletchet was kind enough to offer me a graphic design gig to help him out with his fantastic waffle business. I designed a gift card and envelope, as well as a tag to go on the four pack of waffles he has been selling for the holiday season. JF has a sleek European sensibility, and I wanted the design to reflect the image that the Taste of Belgium brand is presenting.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I LOVE Cincinnati.

You've probably seen these bumper stickers/signs floating around various people's cars, cubicles, and other locations over the last couple of months. And you know what? It's absolutely true. The vast majority of people who live here, claim to not just enjoy, but love Cincinnati. You know, that can't-eat, can't- sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over-the-fence, world-series kind of stuff. There's even a website where you can anonymously post the things that make citizens giddy about Cincy:
  • Its urban, suburban, and rural.
  • Shake It Records in Northside! The Comet, too!
  • Go Bengals!
  • everything
  • the four seasons and scenery
  • The City's Great History
  • The view as you drive into the city from the cut in the hill is amazing!
  • foliage
  • living in Clifton, with all its ridiculousness
  • A bustling happy crowd on a Saturday morning at Findlay Market                                                  (just to name a few things)
You can't claim to love Cincinnati and hope for its future... and vote "yes" on Issue 9. It doesn't make any sense. It has completely blown me away to see the massive outcry from people around the city, especially in the blogging community. Initially I was a little nervous, but you guys pulled through. I knew you would.

I don't know if anyone who is undecided on Issue 9 is going to read this, but it's my platform and I'll shout from it anyway. It all boils down to tomorrow. And frankly, I think it's going to work out.

(picture credits UrbanQueer