
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Intention > Resolution

ohm shanti, ya'll (Yoga Bar)
At the beginning of every yoga class, my instructor asks us to set an intention for our practice. To decide, in that moment, what we want to focus on while we're twisting ourselves into interesting shapes. Intention helps guide and focus the practice, and it brings another element to the table - focusing with the mind makes yoga more than just exercise.

Rather than set a resolution or five that I will inevitably break, I decided to set an intention for 2012.


As in, starting to grow up a little and train myself to go through and do those things that sometimes I don't want to do. Wake up a little earlier. Dress a little nicer. Make my bed. Do those dishes. Answer that email. And so it goes.

Getting in the habit of just pushing through and getting things done will hopefully leave me more time to do things I actually want to do, instead of mucking about and putting off the things I'm dreading.

It's a mindset, I think. We'll see how it goes.

The flipside of the discipline coin is then to discover what it is that I really actually love doing in the free time I have after the other adult stuff is done. I'm a bit of a 'yes girl', and have a habit of over-promising to make people happy. The result is then doing way way way too much and not making myself happy.

I got pretty dang inspired late last year by the Holstee Manifesto. They made this great video (with bikes!!) that sums up my mindset.

Bikes, yoga, laughter, friends, cities, design, travel, love. 

2012 looks to be pretty amazing. What's your intention?

1 comment:

  1. Do what you love.
    Do it often
    LOVE IT!
    That park in Brooklyn in the scene they're eating ice cream cones, we stood in that same spot but the line for ice cream was too long :-(
