
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Just Gotta Be Me...

The journey that has been this whole "recycledbin" thing has been a great experience. However, I am more than 300 plastic bags melted together. My design ideas are a part of me, but I have let them completely define my identity.

With graduation soon approaching, it's time to take control of my online destiny... so, I've got to make some changes.

I yam what I yam..

My goal is to roll out a new website that will be a venue for my writings about sustainability, Cincinnati, and design, as well as a venue to showcase my design work and experience. I don't have a handle on this yet, but look forward to it soon.

For now, the big thing that has changed is my Twitter handle. I've given up the recycledbin moniker in favor of my real name. Alex Shebar recently posted some great thoughts on hiding behind crazy names on the internet, and it really got me thinking.

So, don't freak out - it's still me! Just... me.

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